At Innovative Renal Care and our associated American Renal Associates dialysis centers, we specialize in dialysis options tailored to your personalized care plan. The dialysis options, or modalities, offered include hemodialysis (in-center and home hemodialysis) and peritoneal. Some of our centers offer in-center nocturnal dialysis so you can dialyze while you sleep.

We are recognized leaders in kidney care and will collaborate with your medical team to determine the best option for you or a loved one.

Below, we explore various kidney failure treatment options and highlight the differences between in-center hemodialysis, home hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and nocturnal dialysis. At your initial consultation, we’ll also share questions you can ask your nephrologist (kidney doctor.)

Close up of person receiving dialysis

What Does Dialysis Treat?

Dialysis is a long-term medical procedure for treating end-stage renal disease, also known as kidney failure.

All types of dialysis help your body perform the essential functions of the kidneys (e.g., removing excess fluids and waste materials from your blood) when your kidneys can no longer do so properly. However, one type of dialysis treatment may better suit your unique medical needs than another.

What Are the Different Types of Dialysis Treatments?

There are four kidney failure treatment options. Your dialysis care team will help you determine which dialysis options are right for you.

In-center hemodialysis

During in-center hemodialysis, your treatment session will be completed at one of our Innovative Renal Care dialysis clinics. During dialysis treatments, you will see many members of your care team, which include a nephrologist, registered nurse, certified technician, social worker, and registered dietitian. Each medical team member is specially trained in all aspects of dialysis care.

During the treatment, your blood is filtered through a dialysis machine. It mimics the function of healthy kidneys using a dialyzer (e.g., filter) to remove excess wastes and fluids from your blood.

Patients receiving in-center hemodialysis typically need three to four weekly sessions. Each session takes about three or more hours to complete.

Peritoneal dialysis (PD)

Unlike in-center and home hemodialysis, which removes blood from your body to clean it, peritoneal dialysis cleanses the blood inside the body. It uses the peritoneum, a membrane that lines the inside of your abdomen, as a natural filter. Your blood never leaves your body. Peritoneal dialysis is performed at home, not in a dialysis center.

During the treatment, a cleansing solution called dialysate is introduced into your abdomen through a catheter. The dialysate draws waste and excess fluid from your blood into the abdomen, which is later drained.

PD is typically performed three, four, or five times in 24 hours because patients are not bound to any dialysis equipment.

Home hemodialysis

Home hemodialysis offers more flexibility in scheduling and reduces the need for multiple in-person visits to a dialysis center each week. This dialysis option is best for highly motivated individuals who want to maintain their active lifestyle and take greater responsibility for their care.

This option requires keeping and maintaining dialysis medical equipment in your home. The skilled team at Innovative Renal Care will provide comprehensive training for each patient who chooses home dialysis, which includes operating, cleaning, sanitizing, and storing their hemodialysis equipment.

While home hemodialysis can be more flexible, it usually requires a care partner (e.g., a friend or family member) to help with treatments. It is not recommended for those with poor eyesight, fine motor skill impairment, depression, or cognitive decline.

Though every dialysis patient undergoes a comprehensive assessment and receives a personalized dialysis schedule based on their specific medical condition and overall health, home hemodialysis is typically performed three to four times weekly for about four hours per session.

Nocturnal dialysis

Nocturnal (e.g., nighttime) dialysis takes place while you sleep. This treatment allows for longer and slower dialysis sessions, which can be gentler on your body and more closely mimic normal kidney function.

Nocturnal dialysis is typically performed three or more times weekly for six to eight hours per session. This treatment option can help patients maintain their typical life and work schedule while receiving life-sustaining treatment. We offer nocturnal dialysis at many of our Innovative Renal Care and associated American Renal Associates dialysis centers.

Two people receiving dialysis at a center

Visit One of Our Local Dialysis Centers

Schedule a consultation with the skilled medical professionals at Innovative Renal Care to determine which dialysis options align best with your medical needs, overall health, individual needs, and lifestyle.

Questions to Ask Your Nephrologist

As you strive to better understand your kidney health and dialysis options, here is a list of questions to ask when you speak with your nephrologist about dialysis.

These questions are a good starting point for your conversation with your nephrologist. They will help you get the clarity you need to make more informed decisions about your health and kidney disease management needs.

  • What stage of kidney disease am I in?
  • What are the key indicators (e.g., symptoms) of this stage?
  • How soon should I begin dialysis?
  • How often will you monitor my condition and treatment protocol?
  • What are the dietary restrictions or recommendations I must follow to support my dialysis treatment?
  • How can I manage common symptoms or side effects of dialysis?
  • Are there any clinical trials or emerging therapies suitable for my condition?
  • Can you provide some guidance for maintaining healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels?
  • What lifestyle habits do you recommend for improving my overall health during treatment?
  • What does success look like for my particular treatment plan?
  • Is my only option a kidney transplant?
  • How long will I need to be on dialysis?
  • What are the different types of dialysis available, and which one is right for me?
  • Are there any support groups or resources you could recommend?

The compassionate team at Innovative Renal Care is ready to support every step of your dialysis treatment journey. Let us help you make the right choice for your unique needs so you can continue living an active lifestyle for years.

The good news is that many people on dialysis can live active lives—working, raising families, and even traveling.

Visit One of Our Local Dialysis Centers

Schedule a consultation with the skilled medical professionals at Innovative Renal Care to determine which dialysis options align best with your medical needs, overall health, individual needs, and lifestyle.

“You’ll never find the quality of care that you get at an Innovative Renal facility anywhere else. The staff always have your best interest at heart and will go out of their way to make you feel comfortable and help however they can. The truth is, I consider them my extended family!” 

Mr. Randal Beatty, University Kidney Center Hikes Lane, Louisville, KY